I’ve lived the life of a man without teeth, he thought. A life of a man without teeth. I’ve never bitten, I’ve been waiting, keeping myself for later – and now I’ve just ascertained that I don’t have teeth anymore.
– Jean-Paul Sartre, The Age of Reason
Can you not see that the task is your task – yours to dream, yours to resolve, yours to execute?
– Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
You can do anything if you stop trying to do everything.
– Oliver Emberton
Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome.
– Charlie Munger
Do a good deed and throw it in the river. One day it will come back to you in the desert.
– Rumi
The point of life is to infuse the quotidian with the pleasure of creation and the pursuit of perfection.
– Joe Moran
Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.-Frank Outlaw
Roughly half of life’s anxieties can be traced back to over concern about other people’s opinions
– Schopenhauer
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
– Buckminster Fuller
The tendency of any medium is to attract to itself types of content which are consistent with its limits. In the long run, as people get the government they deserve, so the medium gets the content it deserves.”
— Marshall McLuhan
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
– Upton Sinclair
All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.
– Blaise Pascal
All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, until they take root in our personal experience.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.
– Nabokov
“[Science] is like the innumerable showering drops of the waterfall, which, constantly changing, never rest for an instant; [art] is like the rainbow, quietly resting on this raging torrent.”
– Schopenhauer
If you don’t get what you want, it’s a sign either that you did not seriously want it, or that you tried to bargain over the price
– Kipling
We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.
-Jim Rohn