
Is Quantum Physics linked to Consciousness? – 2021

My research investigates whether the spin of lithium ions, which are used to treat bipolar disorder, changes this communication between neurons.

How does the Anthropic Principle change the meaning of the universe?

‘Schrödinger’s cat walks into a bar. And doesn’t’: The experiment explained and topical jokes on 126th birthday of the physicist

Home News – UK – The Independent

Schopenhauer on the Essential Difference Between How Art and Science Reveal the World

“[Science] is like the innumerable showering drops of the waterfall, which, constantly changing, never rest for an instant; [art] is like the rainbow, quietly resting on this raging torrent.”

Until reading this I never really thought of Art and Science being complementary to each other

Brain Pickings

My theory on why the Black Stone is revered.

“[M]eteorites may have served as a molecular kit providing essential ingredients for the origin of life on Earth and possibly elsewhere.”

Read the full story – Washington Post 2011

Information as the Basis of the Universe

Interview with James Gleick

‘Modern physics has begun to think of the bit—this binary choice—as the ultimate fundamental particle. John Wheeler summarized the idea as “it-from-bit.”‘

WIRED 2011

This piece (in the Big Think) covers the same concept (‘In this radical view, the universe is a giant supercomputer processing particles as bits.’) and discusses Claude E. Shannon’s contribution. Shannon